Tag Archives: disability
Don’t believe all you hear. one day you may not be able to escape reality
Excellent blog on how people so easily forget about others. Thanks Cripp.
February 20, 2011
Usually what I write is aimed at disabled people, or those with an interest in disability issues. Today though I want to chat to able bodied people, those who have never claimed benefits, and who only encounter a wheelchair when they have to dodge one at the supermarket. You are the type of person who agrees that disabled people have too many benefits, too easily, access to care when their families should support them, and that too many of them avoid work they are perfectly capable of. You have always worked, never claimed state help, and have no reason to believe anything will change. In fact you are on your way to work, so you don’t have time to read the views of an opinionated crip, even if you thought they mattered. which of course they don’t.
National Demonstration in London
National Demonstration in London
An event will take place in London on March 26th, where it is hoped thousands of people from across the country will come together to show their opposition to government cuts.
The organisers have provided a second assembly point for the event around the Green Park area; approx 30 minutes walk from Hyde Park. This has been designated specifically for those with mobility problems.
Norfolk Coalition of Disabled People are working with the Norfolk Coalition Against Cuts to arrange transport to this event.
An accessible coach is being booked with room for a number of wheelchairs.
If you would be interested in attending and being part of NCODP’s presence in this march, and would like to use this coach, please contact us as soon as possible to ensure your space.