Category Archives: learning difficulties

Government announces £4m funding for special educational needs in Norfolk and Suffolk


Lauren Cope

The government has announced it will give £2.7m to Norfolk County Council and £1.3m to Suffolk County Council to improve special educational needs and disability (SEND) facilities.

Facilities for some of the most vulnerable children in Norfolk and Suffolk could be bolstered by a £4m investment in special needs education.

The government will, over three years, give Norfolk County Council £2.7m and Suffolk County Council £1.3m to increase school capacity and improve provision for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).

It comes as part of a nationwide investment, worth £215m, to local councils, which can be spent on infrastructure and facilities.

Though councils will be free to invest the funding as they wish, they will be expected to consult with parents, carers and schools and put together a plan on how the money will be spent.

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No Christmas Holidays for Family Carers

The Carers Association urges families and friends not to forget family carers this Christmas

The Carers Association is appealing to people across the country not to forget Ireland’s 187,000 family carers this Christmas. With Ireland facing an aging population in a time of mass emigration and 6,500 children providing care to family members, family carers have never needed support more.

Family carers provide unpaid care to society’s older people, those terminally ill and children and adults with disabilities – yet they have no legal entitlement to holidays, breaks or a day off from this demanding role, even at Christmas.

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East Coast Truckers take youngsters on a special day out

 With a chorus of honking horns and lots of smiling faces, a convoy of trucks set off from County Hall, in Norwich, for an extra special day out.

The East Coast Truckers set off from County Hall on their charity convoy. Oliver Walsh with his driver Arron Peters.

19:50 28 August 2016

The East Coast Truckers children’s convoy took place today, and saw more than 60 trucks take scores of excited youngsters on a trip from Norwich to Pleasurewood Hills and Great Yarmouth.

They were also joined by members of the emergency services for the 70-vehicle procession which created a great spectacle on the county’s roads.

The East Coast Truckers have become famous for the annual event – now in its 31st year – which aims to give children with disabilities or from disadvantaged backgrounds a day they will never forget.

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