Tag Archives: disability
100,000 carers working for free in Staffordshire
Some 98,832 of residents in Staffordshire offer some form of free care, with over a third of these giving 20 or more hours of care a week.
This means that nearly 800,000 hours of caring is being undertaken each week by friends or family.
PIPs disability benefit delay unlawful, says High Court
A delay in paying welfare benefits to two disabled people was “unlawful” but did not breach their human rights, the High Court has ruled.
The unnamed pair had said their nine-month waits for Personal Independence Payments (PIPs) left them dependent on loan sharks and food banks.
Where can I get a free PC?
FANCY a free computer?
It might seem unbelievable, but you could be eligible for one, or at least for a big discount, from one of the UK’s Government or charity schemes.