Tag Archives: health

The Observer view on the future facing Britain’s ageing population

With imagination, we can all benefit from the baby boomers’ talents

    • The Observer,

       Britain’s ageing population has talents that can be utilised to their own, and society’s, benefit.

On Thursday, in Florida, the International Council on Active Ageing holds its annual conference, attracting 9,000 members from 37 countries. It was among the first to recognise the economic potential of millions of baby boomers, those born between 1946 and 1964, now approaching the final third of their lives. Some will continue to work because they wish to or have no choice. Others are involuntarily unemployed. In the UK, some, from next year, will have access to their pension pots without the need to buy an annuity, giving them resources to spend when, and on what, they wish.

Carers – Being the connection in communication

Guest blog by matthew mckenzie

A blog for carers of mental health – Welcome back to another blog post from a fellow carer.

I would like you to check out the following scenario.

Just imaging this. Here we have a patient who talks to the doctor, the doctor sometimes struggles to understand the patient, then the doctor contacts the mental health consultant, the mental health consultant then contacts the care coordinator, the care coordinator contacts the patient, the patient then contacts an advocate and the advocate contacts the doctor, the doctor contacts the social worker who in turn speaks to the care coordinator who then is too busy to contact the patient who in turn does not contact anyone for a long time sinking futher into relapse.

Social media should be an essential part of new social workers’ toolkits

Digital media enables professionals to communicate more effectively with service users and each other

Claudia Megele, senior lecturer, Middlesex University, and head of practice learning, Enfield council

Guardian Professional,

As social media becomes more ingrained in society, so its adoption and acceptance in social work and social care will become more normalised. Photograph: Jens Kalaene/dpa/Corbis

From production and management of services to workforce development and community engagement strategy, local authorities and councillors are exploring the potential of digital media for co-production and enhancement of services. The fast pace of technology means greater and more powerful means of collaboration and transformation of services and the workforce.