Tag Archives: disability

Christmas is a normal working day for us

Real people – whose time with their family is often postponed.

Echo: Christmas is a normal working day for us Christmas is a normal working day for us


WHILE most of us are watching the Queen’s Speech, the Doctor Who Christmas special or tucking into our turkey but for some, it is a normal working day.

We all take it for granted that help is available for us 24 hours a days seven days a week, even on December 25.

But behind the uniform of these dedicated people, there are real people – whose time with their family is often postponed.

MP’s blast over welfare ‘cruelty’

The hardships being suffered by Blackpool residents were laid bare to Prime Minister David Cameron during a heated exchange in Parliament.

Blackpool South MP Gordon Marsden used yesterday’s Prime Minister’s Question Time to put pressure on Mr Cameron about the impact welfare reforms are having on ordinary people.

He said: “As the Prime Minister sits down for Christmas dinner to’ chillax’ with his family and friends, will he spare a thought for my Blackpool constituents, and half a million others, whose Christmas is mired in the incompetence and random cruelty of DWP’s benefits sanctions.

Tablets and apps might be doctor’s orders of the future

Devices can enable doctors to closely monitor a patient

Doctor's waiting room Is the doctor’s waiting room due for an update?

If you have ever sat in a doctor’s waiting room, next to someone with a hacking cough and with only a pile of out-of-date Reader’s Digests for company, then you may have asked whether the system was fit for 21st Century living.

The NHS seems under increasing pressure, from GP surgeries to accident and emergency rooms. It feels as if the healthcare system is in desperate need of CPR – the question is will technology be the thing that brings it back to life?