Category Archives: ukcuts

Preventative care for elderly under threat, survey suggests

Services have been cut or frozen by two-thirds of local councils since coalition came to power, according to ComRes study


Three-quarters of councillors who had had their budget reduced say the cuts mean that elderly and vulnerable local residents are now at greater risk. Photograph: John Stillwell/PA

Personal care services that help elderly people remain living in their own homes have been cut or frozen by two-thirds of local councils since the coalition came to power, a survey shows.

When 435 local councillors in England were asked about social care provision in their area, 64% said their council had reduced or kept funding the same since May 2010 for preventative care and those classed as having low-level needs .

A third (151) had seen their local budget cut, with reductions averaging 16%. Among those councillors, 76% said the cuts meant that elderly and vulnerable local residents were now at greater risk, while the same number admitted they were worried about the welfare of such people. And 69% said people in need would now not receive the help and support they needed.

Threat to leave needy patients in hospital, making State pick up bill in Ireland

By Warren Swords

PUBLISHED: 04:23, 9 December 2012 | UPDATED: 04:23, 9 December 2012

Family carers say they are prepared to go on strike

Family carers say they are prepared to go on strike and leave their loved ones in hospital if the Government refuses to ‘do the right thing’ and reverse the €325 cut in the respite care grant.

Such a move would end up costing the State far in excess of any money saved by the controversial cut in this week’s Budget.

The Carers’ Association plans a further protest at the Dáil on Tuesday, with Government backbenchers declaring themselves in ‘open revolt’.

However, some members of the association are calling for strike action that would leave patients stranded in public hospitals.

The Government is coming under massive pressure to reverse the decision, which has been universally criticised as a cruel and unnecessary measure that saves a paltry €26m.

‘Never mind the patient, tick the box’

Regulation and inspection are often increased after a crisis

By Prof Sue Bailey President, Royal College of Psychiatrists

PaperworkScandals lead to inquiries and to recommendations – leading to a focus on filling in forms and ticking the right boxes.

But in this week’s Scrubbing Up Sue Bailey, president of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, says it’s time to listen to those receiving the care.

Why do care standards break down? We’ve all read heartbreaking stories of elderly people with dementia or patients with learning difficulties being neglected, mistreated and abused.

When things go wrong, inquiries are set up, reports are published and lessons learnt.

Think Winterbourne View; Mid-Staffordshire; childcare in Rochdale, or the Carlisle Report.

At heart, the recommendations boil down to improving communication, listening, learning and acting. It means taking notice of what patients and service users have to say.

Blame culture

But when trying to deliver the right kind of care, the health service often addresses regulation, standard setting, inspection and monitoring.