Tag Archives: hospital

We want the best health service in the world says Paul Burstow MP

Paul Burstow MP writes… A Future-proof Health Service

By Paul Burstow MP | Published 9th December 2011 – 11:53 am

The Liberal Democrats have always recognised that if we want the best health service in the world, we must continue to innovate and invest.

That is why I want to highlight how new funding announced on Monday will ultimately support life-saving research and help to protect millions of vulnerable people living with long-term conditions at home.

Better patient–results and more choice is central to Government’s healthcare plan

New NHS outcomes strategy

 Edited by Jane Hill editor@wellbeingnorfolk.co.uk

The Government has announced its new plan to drive–up results and give patients more control over their healthcare, through the NHS Outcomes Framework 2012/13.
The strategy gives a new map of local health services which people will access through the ‘any qualified provider’ policy which starts from April 2012; and a new map of GP practices on the NHS Choices website.

Concerns about our NHS records being shared-this must not happen

NHS Records May Be Shared With Private Firms

11:02am UK, Sunday December 04, 2011

NHS patient records would be shared with private health care companies including firms which test on animals under new government plans.

David Cameron will promise closer links between the health service and the life science sector in a speech on Monday.