Tag Archives: family

Can mental health be improved by a sense of community?

Can a sense of community help with mental health?

By Liz Lockhart

Many recent research studies have touched on the subject of how mental health can be affected by environmental and community issues.  Mental Healthy recently reported on one such study which suggested that the better off in society are more distrustful of their neighbours perhaps suggesting a feeling of isolation.


Other studies have looked at how modern technology  effects mental health and communication between families and communities.  The latest study to attempt to shed light on these issues is mentioned in Science Daily and was carried out by the University of Michigan.

Grandparent carers need help and yet they face cuts in services

Keep families together





This is the story of Tony and his wife Christine who have been raising Christine’s granddaughter Hollie since birth due to her mother’s drug and alcohol misuse.

The couple have never received any financial support for looking after Hollie apart from child benefit and child tax credit. Despite the very difficult relationship with Hoolie’s mother they receive no support with managing contact.

Police are probing a second suspected contamination incident at Stockport’s Stepping Hill Hospital

Stepping Hill: Police investigate contaminated milk

Police are probing a second suspected contamination incident at Stockport’s Stepping Hill Hospital after milk was found “spiked with bleach” on a ward.

However detectives said there was no evidence of a link to the sabotage of saline drips earlier this year.

The investigation into contaminated saline has been narrowed to focus on three deaths, police revealed earlier.