Grandparent carers need help and yet they face cuts in services

Keep families together





This is the story of Tony and his wife Christine who have been raising Christine’s granddaughter Hollie since birth due to her mother’s drug and alcohol misuse.

The couple have never received any financial support for looking after Hollie apart from child benefit and child tax credit. Despite the very difficult relationship with Hoolie’s mother they receive no support with managing contact.

Back the Grandparents Plus campaign to support family and friends carers.

Every year, thousands of grandparents and other family members step in to bring up vulnerable children who cannot live with their parents. They do an incredible job. They give children a secure future and save the country billions by keeping them out of care.

These carers face massive difficulties including poverty, discrimination and isolation, especially if they are over 65. But they succeed in keeping families together and giving children a loving and stable upbringing.

Families are at risk of being torn apart if these carers aren’t given the support they need, or if children are needlessly taken into care or put up for adoption.


· Children who cannot live with their parents to be placed with family and friends wherever possible.
· More support for these carers to keep families together.
