Tag Archives: dementia
Hospice is first in country to appoint mental health nurse as dementia cases increase
A DURHAM hospice has become the first in the country to appoint a special mental health nurse to address the growing numbers of people with dementia.
Sharron Tolman has joined the staff at St Cuthbert’s Hospice in Durham City.
The North East’s first Admiral Nurse is employed by the hospice but will get clinical supervision through the Admiral Nurse organisation, which is supported by Dementia UK.
Alzheimer’s research in ‘major step’ towards blood test
British scientists have made a “major step forward” in developing a blood test to predict the onset of Alzheimer’s disease.
Research in more than 1,000 people has identified a set of proteins in the blood which can predict the start of the dementia with 87% accuracy.
The findings, published in the journal Alzheimer’s & Dementia, will be used to improve trials for new dementia drugs.
One in five people with dementia gets no support
Jo Carlowe
Thursday, 3 July 2014
One in five people affected by dementia gets no information and support, according to new data.
The poll of people with dementia, carers and people with a family member or friend with dementia was carried out by the Alzheimer’s Society. It reveals a shortage of post-diagnosis support provision, with 90% of those surveyed dissatisfied with the amount of information and support provided.