Category Archives: hospital

Why are there not enough nurses to Care?

‘Armchair experts must face the facts – staffing levels affect care’

1 November, 2011

Debates about care failings must include staffing levels, insists Jane Ball

The “crisis in nursing” debate is reaching a crescendo. The latest Care Quality Commission report on the quality of hospital care has sparked reaction and comment from every corner – the radio, on TV, the newspapers and even in my local shop. Everyone has a view about the trouble with nursing today.

‘Unfinished care revolution’ lets disadvantaged groups down

The report adds: “The better-off have been more able to take advantage of the increased health investment than the less well-off


Report by Iain Duncan Smith’s thinktank slams hospitals as ‘untherapeutic and dangerous places’ for mentally ill people

The Centre for Social Justice report says that the changes in care, which abolished the distinction between psychiatric and other hospitals, are flawed.

The “unfinished revolution” of care in the community has failed the most disadvantaged people in society, according to a report.

Phil Hammond hammers the Health Secretary on Question Time

This is why no-one trusts you, doctor tells Lansley

Posted by Samira Shackle – 14 October 2011 15:14

Dr Phil Hammond hammers the Health Secretary on Question Time.



Dr Phil Hammond, the comedian and GP, told Andrew Lansley exactly what he thinks of his health reforms in a heated exchange on last night’s Question Time. “It’s absolutely impossible to understand it, it is unreadable, there’s no narrative, there’s no convincing story,” he says, as the Health Secretary mumbles.