Category Archives: Featured Article
Event aims to provide support to carers

Spreading awareness for carers in South Norfolk
Norfolk’s carers are being targeted at an event taking place later this month as part of a campaign to spread awareness of the services available.
It will have more than 20 carers groups and organisations, with a range of information, advice and expertise available.
When the carer has to be the cared for!

When a carer can’t care?
written by Carer JJ
………. A clean duvet!
day 1 of my mum not being here
As you know I have had an operation and have put my care in the hands of the gods! Or in this case my husband Fred.
It is 2 weeks and 1 day since my operation and my mum left yesterday. With the parting words of ‘I will be back if you can’t manage’. Words that sent a chill through the heart of Fred! He has just about survived extended time with his mother in law! And I mean just!
I have run this operation and recuperation time like a military operation. There have been colour coded schedules and lists on the fridge for weeks. Everyone who is involved is helping (they did volunteer bless them) has been a located a colour. With the warning don’t mess with the schedule under threat of a court marshall! My mum was a located red obviously and was the only one who can fiddle with it. Mainly as even though I am 46 I am scared by her!
Charity unleashes Easter egg chicks
HAND-knitted Easter chick covers for Cadbury crème eggs
by Lesley Tate, Senior Reporter
HAND-knitted Easter chick covers for Cadbury crème eggs have proved a run-away success for Craven charity Carers Resource.
For the past seven years, an army of volunteer knitters have produced more than 10,000 gaily decorated covers in time for Easter.