Category Archives: Carers

Acklam mum backing new film tackling hate crimes against disabled people

Acklam mum backs the campaign, after helping her daughter Katy, who has Down’s Syndrome, through bullying

Kay Demoily & disabled daughter Katy

A mum whose disabled daughter was the victim of bullying has backed a new film launched to encourage people to report hate crimes.

Cleveland’s Police and Crime Commissioner Barry Coppinger launched the 15-minute film as a training tool to show the true impact of crimes against disabled people, which aims to address the levels of under-reporting across Teesside.

What’s it like to have dementia? Presenter Helen McDermott and Radio Norfolk’s Nick Conrad found out

The simplest of tasks can feel like climbing Mount Everest.

Friday, May 9, 2014
2:36 PM

Our game recruits were Helen McDermott and Radio Norfolk’s Nick Conrad, who arrived full of beans, excited about their challenge and who were only mildly disconcerted when faced with the disclaimer they had to sign before they were strapped into the GERT suit.

Crisis in social care system leaves disabled people without support

By: Richard Kramer, Deputy Chief Executive, Sense
Published: Thursday, May 15, 2014 – 10:26 GMT   

For a long time now our social care system has been in crisis. Funding has been cut back to the bare bone and local councils are struggling to find the money to provide even the most basic care.

Chronic underfunding has left many deafblind and disabled people struggling to get the support they need.

Calls to Sense from deafblind people increased by 40 per cent last year, as they struggle to access the care they need at the same time as battling with the impact of the recent benefit changes. We are concerned that these problems will continue to get worse.