Category Archives: Carers

Price of dementia: the families struggling to get NHS help

Dementia Awareness Week aims to raise understanding of the often heartbreaking process of trying to get NHS funding

The Observer,

Tenacious Ann Reid has fought hard to get Continuing Healthcare funding for her mother Peggy Belcher. Photograph: Sam Mellish/Age U

  • Thousands of relatives and carers of dementia sufferers are battling to receive funding towards crippling care bills. Under the NHS Continuing Healthcare scheme, older people can qualify to have care and nursing home fees paid in full if they are judged to have chronic health needs. This money can help alleviate the burden for families who are otherwise forced to spend every penny and sell their home to meet the cost of care.

Widow calls for more support for people affected by dementia after husband’s five year battle with Alzheimer’s

Wendy Daniel lost her husband to Alzheimer’s aged 68. Picture: Ian Burt

Monday, May 19, 2014
6:30 AM

A widow has called for more support for dementia patients and their families after being the sole carer of her husband during his five year battle with Alzheimer’s Disease.

Wendy Daniel lost her husband to Alzheimer’s aged 68. Picture: Ian Burt

Wendy Daniel, of Cranworth, near Dereham, lost her husband, Bill, to dementia last year.

However, she said the man she knew had died four years before his death after the disease robbed his ability to talk, eat and perform every day functions.

Firefighters offer safety advice to the deaf

 National Deaf Awareness Week (May 19-25)

West Sussex Firefighters will be helping deaf residents during National Deaf Awareness Week (May 19-25) to ensure they have appropriate smoke alarms in their homes.

To find out more contact the Community Fire Safety team on 01243 642879.