Category Archives: Cancer

Men should be aware of how much time they spend working on a laptop

WiFi from laptops ‘may damage sperm’

The use of wifi has rocketed in recent years

“Working on a laptop wirelessly may hamper a man’s chances of fatherhood,” the Daily Mail has today reported. Its story is based on a laboratory study that found that healthy sperm placed under a laptop connected to the wireless internet for four hours, showed less movement and more changes to their genetic code than ‘control’ sperm not near a wi-fi connected laptop.

Fakenham Christmas Tree Festival

Church Christmas festival is year’s highlight


The highlight of the church year in Fakenham, its renowned Christmas Tree Festival, starts today (December 1) from 10am to 8pm until December 8.
Fakenham Xmas tree FestivalThe Festival, which attracted over 18,000 people last year, lights up the church with 90 Christmas trees, each decorated for one of the 78 charities taking part.

Entrance is free, but organizers suggest you take a bag of coins so that you can donate money at your favourite charity trees. Charities include Wells Community Hospital Trust, Cancer Research UK, St John Ambulance, Royal British Legion, The Salvation Army and the EDP We Care Appeal.

Cancer cash wasted on NHS salaries

Cancer care on the NHS lags behind that in many other developed countries because Labour wasted billions of pounds on PFI schemes, bureaucracy and inflated salaries for managers, the Health Secretary will say on Thursday.



Andrew Lansley: ‘Patient care was ignored in favour of increased salaries and botched computer systems’

By , Medical Editor

10:00PM GMT 23 Nov 2011

A report by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has found that, despite record spending on health care, cancer survival rates in Britain are worse than in Slovenia and the Czech Republic.

Survival rates for breast cancer, prostate cancer and cervical cancer were below the average for the 34 developed countries in the study.