Category Archives: autism

Getting The Balance Right

Special Saturday


I have 4 children, 3 youngest are all autistic. My oldest Ely is however your typical 11 year old tween. Trying to get the balance right between the 3 youngest and Ely is fairly challenging at times and sometimes I hate to say this but I fail dismally usually upsetting one of them.

Now Ely knows we have a very special family and most of the time she understands, why she can’t do certain things. Like having her friends round, we have tried to get the others used to the idea of a stranger in the house but it just upsets them too much and causes massive meltdowns. Unfortunately I can’t do things with Ely such as going shopping together more so now I have had my strokes I find it very difficult and tiring to leave the house.

Government should care for carers


Government should care for carers

‘The Way We Are: Autism in 2012’.

Sarah Lambert, Head of Policy at The National Autistic Society (NAS) and co-writer of the 50th birthday report: ‘The Way We Are: Autism in 2012’.

Published Wednesday, July 4, 2012 – 10:25


To mark our 50th birthday, The National Autistic Society commissioned the largest ever survey into autism, in order to show what life is like in the UK for people affected by the condition.  Covering the wide range of autism experiences from diagnosis and employment to school and independent living, the survey  informed a major new report from the charity,  ‘The Way We Are: Autism in 2012’.

Fury at welfare cuts

The group is calling on the Government to exempt families with disabled children from planned cuts

Published on Sunday 17 June 2012 08:59

A MUM whose son has autism and epilepsy is backing a campaign urging the Government not to make further cuts to support for families with disabled children.

Annie Bannister, of Great Glen, says caring for her 12-year-old son Thomas is increasingly expensive and that Government cutbacks in recent years are putting families like theirs under mounting pressure.