Category Archives: autism

Parents of autistic children: Care worker changes scare us

By Danie Linsell BBC Somerset politics reporter

Martin’s wife has been at breaking point for some time and recently considered taking her own life.

 One parent said his wife had become mute through stress

“I’m glad my wife’s got the care support because about a week ago I nearly lost her… she wanted to hang herself in the apple tree.”

Martin – not his real name – is in his 40s and is a parent and a carer.

His teenage son has Asperger’s syndrome and the whole family has to cope with his violent, aggressive outbursts and manipulative behaviour.

Martin’s wife has been at breaking point for some time and recently considered taking her own life.

She is not on her own. Many parents across Somerset say their own state of mind has suffered as a result of coping with their children’s behavioural problems.

Blackburn carer refused free bus journey

A DISABLED man was left in Blackburn town centre after a driver refused to let his carer on his bus – despite her carrying a British Red Cross carers’ card.

By Dan Clough, Reporter

Charlotte and Nathan Charlotte and Nathan

Nathan Montague, 19, has problems with his hearing, asthma, has been tested for autism and attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder and takes anti-depressants.

His girlfriend, 16-year-old Charlotte Hamer, looks after his medicine and has to be with him at all times in case he has a problem.

Mr Montague, who lives with Charlotte and her parents in Rothesay Road, Blackburn, carries a NoWcard, which gives him free travel on Transdev buses.

But when the pair tried to get on the number seven bus in Blackburn Boulevard to get home, Charlotte, who carries the Red Cross Carers Emergency Card, was denied access by the driver – despite having used the card for free travel on several occasions.

The pair had no money with them and were left to walk home in the cold.

Charlotte, a student at St Mary’s College, Blackburn, said she was responsible for Nathan: “Nathan is on anti-depressants which are hugely addictive, so I have to be there to watch him take them. I keep his tablets for him. I have responsibility for him.”

Mr Montague said if he was left on his own he could have real problems.

Autism support for adults

Guest Blog by Jason Tucker

We regularly discuss autism in young children and how it’s important to diagnose the disorder as early on as possible. There are a lot of support services out there for the parents of children with autism, but what about those young carers who are concerned that their parents may have autism? How do they cope and how can they get support?