Monthly Archives: July 2013

‘Injustice’ to vulnerable NHS patient slammed

SCOTLAND’S public services watchdog has raised concerns about the care of vulnerable adults in Scotland’s hospitals following complaints about patient treatment.



Officials from the Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland have now been asked to investigate the complaint in what the ombudsman said was an “injustice” to the 55-year-old patient, who had learning disabilities and severe dementia.

Sex and dementia: Aging population set for 'rape case timebomb' in nursing homes in USA

This problem will come to the UK

By James Nye




Sex among dementia sufferers from the Baby Boomer generation is set to become a legal minefield for nursing homes and bring potential heart-break to their healthy spouses and children.

Currently, there approximately five million people in the U.S. who have Alzheimer’s and with 40 million people in the U.S. now currently aged over 65 – that number is expected to rise over the next decade to 7.1 million.

With those numbers only due to go up, the $120 billion nursing home industry expects massive financial growth – but as the Baby Boomers age, their carers and families will surely be faced with difficult legal, ethical and moral questions.

There approximately five million people in the U.S. who have Alzheimer’s and with 40 million people in the U.S. now currently aged over 65 – that number is expected to rise over the next decade to 7.1 million

Women own most of the UK’s tablet computers says study

There are now more tablet computers owned by women than men in the UK, according to a study.

YouGov’s latest Tablet Tracker report indicates that women owned 52% of the country’s touchscreen computers in May.

That’s a reversal of the position last year when the pollster put the figure at 43%.

It suggests the turnaround is driven by both the release of smaller tablets and women getting hold of second-hand devices.