Monthly Archives: April 2011

NICE Updates Guidance On The Diagnosis And Treatment Of Lung Cancer

NICE Updates Guidance On The Diagnosis And Treatment Of Lung Cancer

Main Category: Lung Cancer
Also Included In: Cancer / Oncology
Article Date: 27 Apr 2011 – 5:00 PDT

NICE has today published an update to its clinical guideline on diagnosing and treating lung cancer. The new recommendations replace those previously published in 2005.

NICE clinical guidelines are updated regularly so that recommendations take into account any important new information that has come to light since publication of the original recommendations. Since NICE published guidance on this condition in February 2005, new evidence has emerged about how to diagnose and treat lung cancer and therefore the guideline has been updated.

Minister’s actually listening to what patients want!

Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg and Care Services Minister Paul Burstow today heard views from patients at the first listening event on NHS modernisation exclusively for patients.

Health Secretary Andrew Lansley today also met staff and patients at a listening event at a GP consortium.

It will cost people a lot more for day care services that they can’t afford!

Warning over plans to axe free day care

Apr 27, 2011

PROTESTORS are likely to lose their campaign to save free day-care services in Teesdale .
And experts warn the move will increase financial pressure on vulnerable people in the dale.
Durham County Council is expected to agree to proposals to begin charging hundreds of elderly, disabled and disadvantaged people for their day care.