Monthly Archives: April 2011

Parkinson’s Awareness Week

Parkinson’s Awareness Week

Published on Tuesday 12 April 2011 16:00


IT is Parkinson’s Awareness Week from April 11 to 17.

 The Louth & District Branch of Parkinson’s UK say the aim of the week is to raise the profile of Parkinson’s UK, which provides advice, information and support to all Parkinson patients, their friends, families and carers.

Parkinson’s Disease is a progressive neurological condition affecting 120,000 people in the UK.

Charities need to invest in their websites in order to survive

The UK’s digital champion tells Ben Cook she thinks charities need to invest in their websites in order to survive

Charities are suffering because they have failed to embrace digital campaigning as enthusiastically as they should, argues Martha Lane Fox, the UK’s digital champion.

Some organisations, she says, are reluctant to invest in this area. “It depends on the charity, but many haven’t yet moved as quickly as the commercial sector,” she says.

Cherries Fight Inflammation

Cherries for Health: Better Than Aspirin?

Posted: 04/11/11 08:16 AM ET

Sometimes the latest research on nutrition involves a substance or supplement with an obscure name that only a scientist could get excited about. But other times, there is something absolutely delicious that, it turns out, is also great for you.

Which brings us to cherries.

With cherry blossom season in the air, now is a great time to celebrate the beauty of nature and one of my favorite fruits, the cherry.