What is your vision of a compassionate healthcare organisation?

Over the next few months, researchers at Coventry University (@CovUni_CTEHR) are working with NHS England to understand the characteristics of compassionate healthcare organisations.

We will be running a number of projects to inform this work and to underpin future developments by NHS England to support NHS commissioners and providers to be ‘compassionate organisations’.
We want to know what you think a ‘compassionate healthcare organisation’ looks like

This research campaign is happening right now. We will be collecting all tweets with the hashtag #ShowsWorkplaceCompassion from the project launch date of 21 April 2016, focussing on the first month’s tweets.

It’s easy to take part. Just tweet your views about what activities, actions, policies, philosophies, approaches, demonstrate that a healthcare organisation is compassionate using the hashtag #ShowsWorkplaceCompassion.

Find out more