Tag Archives: carers

‘Unacceptable’ that families ‘not told of resuscitation plans’

Thousands of people in England have had “do not resuscitate” orders imposed on them without their family’s knowledge, an audit of dying patients suggests.

One in five families were not consulted where doctors had decided not to revive their relative, a sample study by The Royal College of Physicians found.

Hospitals must “do better”, and it was “unforgivable” not to tell families, report author Prof Sam Ahmedzai said.

NHS England said end-of-life care had improved, but more could be done.

A “do not resuscitate” order (DNR) means medical staff will not attempt to bring the patient back to life if they stop breathing or their heart stops.

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Recognition and support must go hand in hand for unpaid carers

It’s with pleasure we feature the latest guest blog from Tony Hunter, Chief Executive of the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE).

As part of our call for evidence coverage, he explains why it’s so important that we work together to improve support for unpaid carers…

‘The new strategy will focus on issues that perhaps have been overlooked in the past, such as carers’ health and financial concerns.’

My colleague knows it but finds it difficult to admit: he says that it’s taken some time to realise that he’s a carer.

This is something that often happens because carers may be supporting family members and it naturally feels second nature to do so. After all, they love the person involved, but it can also be a challenge. It’s important therefore that carers, however they wish to be referred to, are properly recognised and supported for the unpaid work they do.

My colleague’s son has a disability and, in a blog which asks if he’s too stoic, he explores his own feelings around describing himself as a carer. This is important. Carers UK say that one in eight adults care, unpaid, for family and friends. Within our lifetime, there will be nine million carers.

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Children in care ‘too often denied mental health treatment’