Tag Archives: autism

Ways that my son with autism has embarrassed me

Autism, Social Thinking and Embarrassment: It’s Not a Bad Thing…


A couple of weeks back, the theme for a wonderful facebook group called Special Saturday was Embarrassing Moments. This has been rattling around in my head for a while now as I have been considering a couple of different ways that I could approach this as a topic.

8 year old boy with autism asked to leave Shrek the musical

Shrek theatre asks autistic boys to leave

James Geater is unable to speak and attends a special needs school

The mother of an autistic boy said she was “ashamed of society” after her eight-year-old son was asked to leave a performance of Shrek the Musical.

James Geater, from Worthing, West Sussex, was taken to the Theatre Royal Drury Lane in London with another autistic boy by four carers.

They were asked to leave the auditorium because they were too noisy. James’s mother Karen said it was unacceptable.

The theatre said the party was asked to sit outside until James calmed down.

Father diagnosed with Asperger’s ‘failed by system’

Only recently he was diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Asperger’s Syndrome

6:00pm Tuesday 30th August 2011

By Frances Leate

A FATHER who spent most of his childhood in care says he has been let down by the system after only just being diagnosed with a series of severe behavioural disorders.

Robert Joyce, 47, of Buntingford Road, in Monkwick, Colchester, was taken into foster care at five because his parents couldn’t cope with his behaviour.

In trouble at school and with the police, he ended up committing crime and spent much of his young life in and out of youth detention centres.