Tag Archives: alzheimers

Jeremy Hunt urges health and wellbeing boards to help improve dementia care and support

The Secretary of State for Health Jeremy Hunt has written to health and wellbeing boards and local authorities to encourage them to increase awareness of dementia and help improve dementia diagnosis rates in their local areas, through networking with local NHS colleagues.

One in three Alzheimer’s cases preventable, says research

A healthier, fitter population could be the key to reducing cases of Alzheimer’s disease

One in three cases of Alzheimer’s disease worldwide is preventable, according to research from the University of Cambridge.

The main risk factors for the disease are a lack of exercise, smoking, depression and poor education, it says.

Previous research from 2011 put the estimate at one in two cases, but this new study takes into account overlapping risk factors.

Alzheimer’s Research UK said age was still the biggest risk factor.

Hospice is first in country to appoint mental health nurse as dementia cases increase

A DURHAM hospice has become the first in the country to appoint a special mental health nurse to address the growing numbers of people with dementia.

Sharron Tolman has joined the staff at St Cuthbert’s Hospice in Durham City.

The North East’s first Admiral Nurse is employed by the hospice but will get clinical supervision through the Admiral Nurse organisation, which is supported by Dementia UK.