Spare a thought for carers this Christmas

Our forum will be open over the Christmas Holiday


For many carers this Christmas it will be no different to any other time of year,  while families go out shopping,
attending parties and having time off work enjoying the festive season, carers still have to do the same things regardless.

Illness and disability doesn’t go away just because it’s Christmas.  The TV portrays  families having a perfect Christmas, but as we know, this is not the same for every family.


We know that some carers have loved ones who will be in hospital over Christmas and then for other carers there is the fear of having no one to speak to when the office workers close down for the holiday.  What happens when no paid carers will be coming to help you out?  Further to this we know some of you may be facing Christmas with sad memories of having lost loved ones throughout the year.  We have some ex carers in fear because their incapacity benefit has been stopped by Atos and they face a lengthy appeal process, and this on top of the awful feelings of bereavement when a loved one has died.

Remember to look after yourself as best you can over the Christmas holiday, and know that there will be someone on our forum or in our chat room, throughout the holiday time, so there is no need for you to feel alone. We do not close.
Barry will be in the chatroom in the evenings when he will look forward to chatting with you.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support during the year.

We wish you sincerely, the very best of everything for Christmas.
The Chill4us Team