Parkinson’s Awareness Week – 18- 24th April 2016

Advice and Support for Carers of people with Parkinson’s
Norfolk Carers, the lead agency for advice and support for unpaid carers in Norfolk is, this week, teaming up with Parkinson’s UK to highlight the support available for carers of people with Parkinson’s, when a family member is diagnosed with the condition.
Carol Bush, 69, from Shipdham, cares for her husband, Gerald, 72,. She says it was important to find out about support groups in her area:
“When Gerald was first diagnosed it was a shock and we didn’t know anything about Parkinson’s. We immediately got information from Parkinson’s UK and then went on to find out about support groups in our area. It’s very important to get involved and try to mix with other people who are caring for someone with the condition.”
Kevin Vaughan, Carers Agency Partnership Manager says:
“A diagnosis of Parkinson’s can come as a shock to the individual but also to a person’s family and friends. We know that people need advice and support at that point and Norfolk Carers has an expert team on hand; whether someone needs information on local groups, or advice and support for practical issues, such as coping with household tasks or planning for the future, or just someone to talk to about the emotional impact of the diagnosis, our Advice Line means that a listening ear, and access to that support, is just one call away .”
Norfolk Carers Advice Line provides advice and support to carers who are new to the role and those who have been caring for some time. This includes counselling services and access to Norfolk Carers’ range of individual support, such as befriending, and to the Short Breaks Service, for carers who do not receive any other funded respite, to take a few hours out for an appointment, to go out with friends or just have a few hours rest.
Norfolk Carers Advice Line is on 0808 808 9876 W.
For more information about Norfolk Carers contact Kevin Vaughan, Carers Agency Partnership Manager Tel: 07747 777243.
The local contact for Parkinson’s UK is Ian McKee
Tel: 0344 225 3614
A carer is anyone who cares, unpaid, for a friend or family member who due to illness, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction cannot cope without their support.
Care support workers are paid workers and not the same as carers.
Norfolk Carers is part of the Carers Agency Partnership (CAP). It is a formal partnership of local carers’ support organisations, commissioned by Norfolk County Council and five NHS Clinical Commissioning Groups and led by Norfolk Carers Support. Partners are: Norfolk Carers Support, West Norfolk Carers, West Norfolk Befriending, Age UK Norfolk, Norwich and Central Norfolk MIND, West Norfolk MIND and Great Yarmouth and Waveney MIND. Access to the CAP service is through Norfolk Carers Advice Line on 0808 808 9876.