Lack of funding could threaten Care Act reforms, councils warn

Local Government Association poll highlights council concerns over cost burdens of landmark reforms

Thousands of OAPs are denied handrails or stairlifts in their homes

Despite alterations helping to keep them independent

Number of home adaptations installed has plummeted by 5,500 since 2011

  • Lack is one reason why elderly patients can not be discharged from hospital
  • But critics say councils have cut back while still paying huge salaries

By Tamara Cohen


Thousands of elderly people are being denied vital home alterations that keep them out of hospital and help them stay independent, it emerged yesterday.

Improvements such as handrails, stairlifts and ramps can stop them being hurt in falls – but the number being installed has plummeted by 5,500 since 2011.

Landmark bedroom tax ruling issued

A tribunal has overturned a decision on the bedroom tax, setting a precedent that could force some councils to rethink how they decide who needs a room for an overnight carer.

Solicitor Giles Peaker  (photo) said he would not be surprised if ‘a fair number of councils’ had calculated who needs a spare room for overnight care in the same way as Eastleigh Council did.