Mayor says thank you to unpaid family carers

Carers recognised at afternoon tea with Mayor of Harrow

Carers sip tea with mayor Carers sip tea with mayor

Carers from across the borough were thanked for their hard work by the Mayor of Harrow with an afternoon tea.

Mayor Nana Asante welcomed unpaid carers who look after family and friends in need for afternoon tea at the mayoral parlour.

More than 40 carers and some of the people they care for were given a history of the borough and the council before sitting down to tea, cake and took part in a raffle.

Councillor Asante said: “This day came about as a result of carers’ week when I met a lot of carers and saw the fantastic work they do.

“We wanted to have a day when we could say thank you to all the carers for the work they do and the time they sacrifice.

“There are a lot of people who may be caring for a loved one or a neighbour and may not realise they are a carer and that help is out there. Today is also about raising awareness of carers and the work they do.”

Josie Uddin, 50, works full time as a teacher and is a full time carer of her daughter Sam, who has Down’s syndrome.

She said: “It think it has been a lovely day and it has been a great chance for us to learn something about the council but also to do something with my daughter.

“A lot of people who are carers will be people who are under the radar and will not realise they are technically a carer and there is help out there.”

According to Harrow Carers here are more than 24,000 people in Harrow providing unpaid care for loved ones or neighbours, of that the organisation supports 2,000.