Family home carers need the internet

Motivation remains the toughest nut to crack when encouraging people to go online

August 31, 2011


by raceonline2012


Office For National Statistics_logoONS stats from the Labour Force Survey are out – 

8.7m adults (17.4%) have never used the internet, compared to 41m (82.3%) who have.
77% of households have Internet access = up 4% year on year
45% of individuals connected to the web via a mobile phone in the previous 12 months, and 6m of them did so for the first time
Wireless hotspot users almost doubled in the last 12 months to 4.9m
Only 44% of Internet users interact with public authorities online

Reasons given for not having the internet at home

The proportion of respondents giving “Don’t need it” as their reason rose from 39% to 50% in the last 12 months. Meanwhile, other reasons (including cost and skill) remained proportionately similar.

This suggests motivation remains the toughest nut to crack.


The majority of all age groups had used the internet, apart from 75+ year olds.

Mobile phone Internet connectedness for 16-24yr olds soared from 44% to 71% in the last 12 months, but for 65+yr olds only crept up from 6% to 8%.

The number of 65+yr old online shoppers rose 5% to 27% (the largest rise outside 25-34yr olds at 9%).


4.24m disabled adults have never used the Internet, which is 48.5% of all those who had never used it and 36.8% of all those who are disabled.

Just 11.6% of adults reporting no disability have never used the Internet.

Gross weekly pay

Of employed adults with gross pay under £200 per week, 9.2% had not used the Internet.

Those earning more than £1000 a week there were no Internet non-users.