Charity offering free course for carers of people with mental ill health
Charity offering free course for carers of people with mental ill health
3:00pm Wednesday 9th February 2011
By Natalie O’Neill »
A CHARITY is offering free advice to people caring for someone with mental ill health.
Caring4Carers will run its Reason to Hope courses on Tuesday nights from 7.30pm to 9.30pm at Avenue House, in East End Road, Finchley.
The organisation was set up by Jeffrey Breslaw in 2002 to support family members and friends who look after individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia, depressive disorders or mental ill health.
The course helps develop carer’s skills, including how best to communicate with the person they look after.
Talks will be given by psychiatrists, consultants and a pharmacist throughout the course.
Participants can discuss any problems they face as a carer, and will be put in contact with local and national resources including Rethink, a charity for people affected by severe mental illness.
Suzanne Clinton-Davis is an occupational therapist and helps run the course.
Mrs Clinton-Davis said: “It can really equip carers who are often hidden and unheard to care more effectively for their loved one and importantly begin to care for themselves.
“In doing this we also aim to help carers assist in their loved ones recovery.”
She added: “Groups will consist of no more than around 10 participants so that each person has time and attention given to them as they require.”
Reason to hope runs two courses per year and has taught over 170 people since its inception.
The next course will start on Tuesday March 1 and will last for 10 weeks.
To book a place contact Jeffrey Breslaw on 0208 906 1666 or send an email to