Category Archives: Scotland

1 in 71 children is looked after by a kinship carer in Scotland

For too long, there has been a postcode lottery in crucial financial and other support for kinship carers – when will this change?

Holyrood urged to improve support for kinship carers

  • 21308154245211
  • SUPPORT: Tam Baillie says that family members need assistance.


16 Jun 2011

AT least 15,000 children are being raised in Scotland by members of their extended family because their natural parents are unfit to care for them, a major new study has found.

Drug and alcohol abuse, domes- tic violence and an increase in prison populations have led to a growing trend for extended family members to step up to the parenting role, with researchers describing an “invisible population” of carers who receive little or no support from the state.

Carers fear they’re in firing line over more budget cuts

Carers fear they’re in firing line over more budget cuts

  • 14038825
  • Survey reveals worry as welfare reform planned

Caroline Wilson

13 Jun 2011

Almost 80% of carers in Scotland fear they will be worse off financially if their support is cut further

Independent Advocacy needs to be available to all who need it

Independent Advocacy needs to be available to all who need it


Hi, my name’s Jo, and among other things, I’m a user of mental health services. My journey through the psychiatric system has not always been easy and at times I’ve needed an advocate to help me express my views when I felt I wasn’t being listened to, or didn’t trust the people looking after me to make decisions that were in my best interests.