Aromatherapy soothes people with dementia

Lemon Balm extract as a lotion

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Lemon balm extract is effective in reducing symptoms of agitation in people with dementia, say researchers in the UK.
Agitation – a mixture of restlessness, anxiety and aggression – is all too common among people suffering from dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease. Often agitation is treated with anti-psychotic drugs, but these have severe side effects. They may, for instance, accelerate mental decline and also make the patient withdrawn.

In a new study, researchers at Newcastle General Hospital in England, have looked at the effect of lemon balm on agitation. They used either a lotion containing lemon balm or a placebo lotion to a group of 72 patients with dementia. The lotion was applied twice a day for four weeks.

The researchers found that 60 per cent of the patients given lemon balm experienced a significant reduction of 30 per cent in their level of agitation, compared to only 14 per cent reduction in those who received the placebo lotion. The patients on lemon balm were also more likely to engage in constructive and sociable activities. Given that lemon balm has few, if any side effects, it could be an acceptable and highly effective treatment for agitation in dementia.