Monthly Archives: June 2014

Carers: what is a day in your life really like?‬ Share your experiences

If you’re a carer we want to hear from you. What is your day really like? Share your stories, pictures and experiences

Tim Ranson with his son, Danny. ‘You don’t choose the job, it chooses you.’ Photograph: TimmRanson/GuardianWitness

‪If you’re a carer, you might be familiar with the statistics: that there are 6.5 million unpaid carers in the UK and that informal caring saves the UK economy £119bn a year. Or you might have only recently realised you’re a carer; looking after a family member, partner or friend can be so natural that it seems odd that it has a name.‬

Britain’s workforce in 2022: From a nation of pen-pushers to an army of carers

IPPR report predicts occupations of the future lie in the health and social-care sector

health reporter

Wednesday 4.06.2014

Once we were a nation of factory workers and farm hands, then a country of office pen-pushers. Britain’s workforce has transformed many times to meet the needs of a changing society and economy.

Now, a new report predicts, we are becoming a nation of professional carers.

Family misses out on more than two years of support

A Lancashire family missed out on quality time together for more than two years, because the county council did not provide the correct support to their severely disabled daughter, the Local Government Ombudsman (LGO) has found.

The family had been in receipt of funding which gave them one weekend a month of respite care for their daughter, who has a number of medical conditions affecting her development, learning ability and behaviour and required constant supervision and care. This package allowed the family, which also included two other children, the chance to spend time together.