Monthly Archives: June 2013

Asda saving food instead of it going to landfill

ASDA to donate surplus food to charity
UK supermarket chain ASDA have announced that they are to team up with charity FoodShare to help cut food waste and support some of the most vulnerable people in the UK.

This pioneering change means an extra 1,500 tonnes of food will go to UK charities every year – increasing the amount of food redistributed by FareShare by 41%. That’s the same as an extra 3.6 million meals every year.

It’ll also save the 910 charities supported by FareShare a massive £4.5 million every year.

Carers warned of blind spot for dementia sufferers

Carers warned of blind spot for dementia victims

PEOPLE with dementia may also suffer sight loss that goes undetected because they are unable to communicate that something is wrong, campaigners have warned.

Alzheimer Scotland and the Royal National Institute for Blind People Scotland said carers and health workers may attribute any problems to the mental condition of dementia patients rather than putting it down to sight loss.

The charities are launching a new booklet – Dementia and Sight Loss – to try to tackle the problem.

The new advice booklet explains how to detect the first signs that something may be wrong with a patient’s sight.

Takashi Asada, a Japanese professor specializing in dementia

4.6 million elderly are suffering dementia


The number of people with dementia aged 65 or older reached an estimated 4.62 million last year, accounting for 15 percent of the age bracket, according to a health ministry survey.

A study group under the Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry also calculated that another 4 million senior citizens, up from 3.8 million in 2010, suffered from mild cognitive impairment, which can evolve into dementia.