Monthly Archives: August 2011

If child has autism, siblings may too

If child has autism, siblings may too

Published: Aug. 15, 2011 at 10:42 PM
NEW YORK, Aug. 15 (UPI) — Having one child with autism increases the risk of siblings having autism at a rate higher than previously thought, U.S. researchers suggest.

Researchers at the University of California, Davis, MIND Institute, found 19 percent of younger siblings of children with autism spectrum disorder developed autism — a rate significantly higher than that of the general population — and if there were two children with autism spectrum disorder in the family, the risk of the third sibling developing autism spectrum disorder increased to more than 32 percent.

Children with potentially deadly nut allergies are being bullied

Hidden torment of nut allergy children who are bullied for being ‘different’


By Fiona Macrae

Last updated at 8:14 AM on 16th August 2011 

Children with potentially deadly nut allergies are being bullied for being different, say researchers.

And their parents are stigmatised as ‘neurotic and attention-seeking’ by other parents, they found.

Relatives of some victims of the condition are even suspected of deliberately giving a child nuts to check they really are allergic.

Cancer discovery offers hope of tackling spread of disease

15 August 2011 Last updated at 17:04

Cancer Research UK said the study provided fresh understanding of ways to stop cancer spreading.

By James Gallagher Health reporter, BBC News

Migrating cancer cell
Scientists have discovered how cancerous cells can “elbow” their way out of tumours, offering clues for new drugs to prevent cancers spreading.

They say they have identified a protein called JAK which helps cancerous cells generate the force needed to move.

Writing in Cancer Cell, they say the cells contract like muscle to force their way out and around the body.

Cancer Research UK said the study provided fresh understanding of ways to stop cancer spreading.