Special day for parents and carers of children with additional support needs

Published on Saturday 13 October 2012 06:00

‘THE WHOLE Child’ is the title of a major conference currently being organised for parents and carers of children with additional support needs.

The event will take place in the Carnoustie Golf Hotel on Wednesday, November 7.

Invitations have been sent out to parents who care for a child with additional needs through Angus Carers Centre and Parent to Parent with Health and Social Work also forwarding information to parents.

However, the day is open to any parent who cares for a child with additional support needs. The event is free to parent/carers and help with child care arrangements may be possible.

You can get further details from.anguscarers.org.uk or contact Angus Carers 01241 439157 as soon as possible.

The conference will address areas which parents have identified as being of concern to them. Often times of transition can be difficult periods such as moving into nursery, moving from nursery to primary school, primary to secondary school or moving on to adult services.

There will also be workshops to look at issues such as respite/short break provision, co-ordinated support plans and individual education plans as well as self-directed support and managing challenging behaviour. Information stands will also be available to provide further information.
