Category Archives: health

Day care cuts actually cost money

By North Devon Journal  |  Posted: March 24, 2014

Think about the family carer!



Burrow House in Ilfracombe is one of the day and residential care centres facing closure

Journal reader Ruth Funnell from Great Torrington writes:

The proposal to cut day care is a tragedy for carers and those who attended these centres. It is likely to cost public money rather than save it as carers’ health suffers and those cared for have to move earlier to residential care.


By next year Devon County Council will have endured cuts of 60% in the budget since the coalition came to power. North Devon District Council will have seen its budget cut by a third.

Call for changes to disabled work assessments

MSPs believe five changes are needed to improve the assessment process.


 The DWP said there was strong evidence that working can be beneficial for many people who have a health condition

The assessment used to decide whether ill or disabled people can work should be made more “effective and humane”, a Holyrood committee has said.

The UK government said the criteria was developed in consultation with medical experts and disability groups.

It looks at an individual’s ability to work, “taking into account the modern workplace and developments in healthcare”.

Sir Michael Parkinson: the shock of cancer is worse for the other person

Sir Michael Parkinson tells Mark Nicholas how his battle has strengthened his marriage and family

Michael Parkinson and his wife Mary

Constant companion: Sir Michael Parkinson and Lady Mary, his wife of 54 years. Her devotion after his diagnosis shows ‘what a marriage or partnership is all about’  Photo: REX FEATURES

May 27 2009, Rome. It is a hot day and thousands of tourists flow in and out of the Colosseum. Many are dressed in red shirts, the colours of Manchester United. Others are in scarlet-and-blue stripes, the colours of FC Barcelona. Today, Rome hosts the final of the Champions League, Europe’s greatest sporting prize.

From the west side of the Colosseum, taking the short walk towards the Forum entrance are two familiar figures from the golden age of television, Sir David Frost and Sir Michael Parkinson. At first, the vast tribes are a concern to men past their 70th birthday, until those in the red shirts – hundreds, maybe thousands of them – stop, stare and begin to part as if Moses had demanded it.