Monthly Archives: December 2012

‘Christmas to remember’ campaign aims to raise awareness of dementia

‘Christmas to remember’ campaign aims to raise awareness of dementia

5 December, 2012

The ‘Christmas to remember’ campaign was launched by actress Carey Mulligan and the Prime Minister at Downing Street this morning. It is a joint digital campaign from Number 10, Department of Health and Alzheimer’s Society. It aims to raise awareness of dementia and encourage people to take appropriate action if they spot signs of the condition in family or friends over the festive season.

Viewpoint: Does deafness contribute to dementia?

More people suffer problems with their hearing than any of the other senses.

By Prof David McAlpine Director of the UCL Ear Institute

Recent scientific research has suggested there could be a connection between hearing loss and the brain, contributing to greater cognitive decline as we age.

More people suffer problems with their hearing than any of the other senses. Whether the reasons are genetic, caused by exposure to damaging levels of sound, or simply growing older, about one in seven people in the UK suffer some form of hearing disorder.

Such hearing impairment often causes communication problems in social situations, but can also result in disadvantages in education, employment and even earning potential.

According to 2005 estimates by the World Health Organization (WHO), about five million people worldwide are suffering from profound hearing loss, and 50% of all people over 65 are affected by age-related hearing loss (presbycusis).

Happy International Day for People with Disabilities or Is It?

Happy International Day for People with Disabilities or Is It?

By Susanas on Dec 3, 12 07:44 AM in

DWP will have an announcement today on International Disabled Peoples Day on how they are now going to “Improve disabled peoples chances of getting work by mandatory employment” sounds good eh well let me tell you it’s not. I mean can you just imagine having a mental health problem s where you suffer from bipolar and borderline personality disorder, which in fact means that the majority of days you can’t go out of the house or even talk to people as your stress levels are through the roof you can read more about bipolar here