Monthly Archives: September 2011

Making improvements for carers in Gwent

Carers need more support

12:31pm Thursday 1st September 2011

By Andy Rutherford – Health correspondent »


THE focus and attention given to the needs of carers by the NHS in Gwent is “patchy and sporadic” and improvements are being planned to meet the demands of new Wales-wide regulations.

The numbers of carers across Gwent runs into the tens of thousands – there are believed to be 15,000 in Newport alone – and more pertinently, there are predicted to be large increases in carers aged 65 and over during the next 20 years.

Elderly carer numbers are expected to rise by almost a third (31 per cent) in Gwent by 2030, though this could vary between 26 per cent (in Newport) and 37 per cent (in Monmouthshire).

‘Rain to Rainbow’ event encouraged local carers and their families to turn rain, their illness, into rainbows

Carers form a human rainbow to mark their family’s achievements

8:20am Thursday 1st September 2011

The smiles of Lynne Melarangi and her daughter, Rachael, capture the essence of the rainbow celebration

HUNDREDS of carers teamed up to create a human rainbow to celebrate the 50th birthday of the Silver Jubilee Bridge.

Wearing caps and t-shirts in the seven colours of the rainbow, they held hands, linking both sides of the famous landmark.

Organiser Dee Graal, development co-ordinator of Widnes and Runcorn Cancer Support Group, said: “It was really emotional.

“There was a great buzz and so much excitement. It was fantastic.”