Why we have MP’s involved with our charity

Why we have MP’s involved with our charity

Postby wendy » 22 Mar 2016, 15:25

Carers Uk state that Family Carers save the country £132 billion per year, almost double its value in 2001 and yet they remain the least helped by society and government.

Our trustees do not always agree with what the government does and that is why we find having an MP (Chloe Smith) as a trustee allows us to voice our concens on important issues and get them discussed urgently in Parliament.

Indeed we spoke with Chloe Smith MP on Thursday to say we did not agree with the latest disability cuts, she noted what was said and will mention our views in Parliament because she cares deeply for the carers and those whom they care for.

We are grateful to all of our hardworking trustees, including Chloe Smith and our Patron Nick for giving of their time, when we know sometimes the trustees have difficult caring roles, but their actions enables our carers forum to remain a safe place for family carers to chillout out 24 hours a day.
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Re: Why we have MP’s involved with our charity

Postby maureenho » 22 Mar 2016, 15:55

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Re: Why we have MP’s involved with our charity

Postby annie » 22 Mar 2016, 17:27

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