Category Archives: internet

Family unpaid Carers feel isolated without access to the internet!

Elderly less lonely if plugged in to internet, says Martha Lane Fox

Elderly people would be less lonely if they were “plugged in” to the world wide web, according to the internet entrepreneur Martha Lane Fox.

By , Social Affairs Editor


The founder, now the Government’s “digital champion”, said that grandparents could speak to their families over Skype, could order groceries online and learn more about their favourite pastimes.

Digital inclusion is key to ensuring as many people as possible remain involved in the community

Accessibility is vitally important for people with disabilities and older mobile users

Should the mobile industry be talking more about accessibility? A new report on the number of disabled people worldwide could provide a powerful incentive to users and developers alike


When smartphone apps are not designed with accessibility in mind, people with disabilities – whether visual, cognitive or others – risk being shut out

A computer program that helps dementia sufferers

Software shows dementia patient’s biography



 Carers can access the information about the patient using a touchscreen

A Dundee PhD student has developed a computer program that helps dementia sufferers communicate with their carer.

Dr Gemma Webster, 25, created software that holds a “multimedia biography” of the patient which carers can access through a touchscreeen.

The computing researcher said it would help busy care staff learn about the people they were looking after.

Research Councils UK has awarded Dr Webster £10,000 to help promote her “Portrait” project.

The software holds a digital timeline of key events in a patient’s life, along with a family tree and other personal information.